CollabOffice Features
CollabOffice is a suite of applications designed to help teams collaborate
together, and work efficiently. The major design intent with all
applications is that users should be able to share all their information
with others using this softare.
Planner |
The Planner is your daytimer, where you can create events, meetings
and todo's. Features include:
- Recurrence of events: daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly
- Day, Month, and Year views
- Sharing with other users or groups via the messaging system
- Priortization, completion of todo's
Email |
Email allows you to access your email from any machine that has a
webbrowser. Because email is 100% compatible with the IMAP protocol,
you can use it with other IMAP mail programs like Outlook. Email has
many features:
- Handles multiple attachments
- Can view attachments depending on their Mime type
- fully IMAP compatible
- Interfaces with our Contacts application
Documents |
The document manager is a repository for all your groups files,
folders, documents, pictures, or even programs.
It allows a team to work in the same area at the same time by using
a revision control system where only one person can modify a file at
a time. Permissions are implemented so that you can restrict access
to certain files. Files can be viewed, or downloaded depeding on their
Mime type. Its features are:
- Efficient directory tree view just like windows explorer
implemented in JavaScript so that it is quick for the user
- Unix like permissions on all folders and files. Can be specified
down to users, groups, or other people to read, write or execute.
- Can view or download files depending on their Mime type
- Can check out, check in, or unreserve files
Contacts |
The contact manager allow you to have multiple address books of all
your contacts. You can also specify that you want to share some of
your books, or view someone else's shared book. Features include:
- Multiple Address Books
- Sharing with other users or groups
- Interfaces with Email
News |
The news system uses an NNTP server (one is packaged with CollabOffice)
and allows a team to communicate together in a newsgroup. This is
advantageous when you want to have a your communications stored so that
anyone else can look at them, rather than email. Features include:
- Sort by date, or by thread
- Subscriptions, posting, and replying
- Interfaces with Email
Instant Messaging
The Messaging system allows you to send typed messages similar to email,
but more lightweight, and with a faster response. This messaging system
is also used to send events from other applications like todo's or
meeting requests. Features include:
- Allows you to communicat in a "chat" like manner
- Used to share other applications data with other users
- History logging so that you can see what was said in the past
- Small and efficient
The memo pad allows you to create electronic yellow sticky notes for
you to jot down quick reminders. These again can be shared with other
users by sending it to them.
- Sharing with other users
- Multiple pads with multiple memos
Online allows you to see who is on the system, and therefore, who you
can expect to respond to one of your messages. Features include:
- Separates Online users from offline users
- Shows last time and date online
- Interfaces with messages so that you can send them an instant
The online administration system gives the system administrator an
easy to use interface to do all of the system configuration or
maintenance step. Features include:
- Securing the system (which groups can use which features)
- Createing, modifying, deleting users and groups
- Create new newsgroups
- Configure system parameters
- Change the Message Of The Day (MOTD)